
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


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发布时间:2017-02-09 10:58:00 关注量:5985次


An important element of drama is that it is a presentation by performers in front of an audience-for example, a ceremony conducted by civic leaders before members of a community. Another aspect iscostumes, such as those worn by tribal chiefs who impersonate animals or gods. Moreover, drama involvesstorytelling—recitation of myths or legends, teaching lessons through stories-to a group of listeners. Sometimes the storyteller imitates the characters in the story by changing his or her voice for different characters.
Q: The passage mentions all of the following as aspects of drama EXCEPT
A. wearing costumes
B. performing before an audience
C. writing dialogue for characters
D. narrating a story

所以答案为C   原文未提及

Laughter is a key to a good life and good health: it can diminish feelings of tension, anger, and sadness. Just as exercise conditions our bodies, frequent laugher can train our body to be healthier. When laughter is a regular experience, it lowers blood pressure and boosts brain chemicals that fight pain. It can also reduce stress hormones that increase vulnerability to illness as well as increase hormones that have been shown to help produce restful sleep. Laughter is like an instant vacation in the way it changes our psychobiology 1, According to the passage, laughter provides all of the following benefits EXCEPT? A, elevating brain chemicals that prevent pain B, increasing the body's vulnerability to illness C, promoting a more restful kind of sleep D, reducing feeling of stress and anger
Q: According to the passage, laughter provides all of the following benefits EXCEPT
A. elevating brain chemicals that prevent pain
B. increasing the body's vulnerability to illness
C. promoting a more restful kind of sleep
D. reducing feelings of stress and anger

解析:答案为B   原文说的是educe,笑可以减少这种让身体易患病的荷尔蒙,答案与原文相悖


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