animal rights (复)动物权利 ,动物权益
animal rights groups 动物权益组织
animal rights laws 动物权利法
However, many animal rights activists are not happy with animals being forced to live in unnatural conditions.
然而 ,很多动物权利保护者对动物被迫生活在非自然的环境中表示不满。
animal welfare 动物福利
Although some regulations and principles have been welcomed as a step forwards by some animal welfare groups, they have also been criticised as both outdated by current research, and of little practical effect in improving animal welfare.
尽管有些法规受到动物福利组织的欢迎,认为在保护动物方面向前迈进了一步 ,但仍然遭到质疑 ,因为当前的一些动物试验已经过时 ,对于提高动 物福利也没有什么实质意义。
There are also objections on an ethical basis, contending that the benefits to humans do not justify the harm to animals.
也有从伦理道德角度上持反对意见的 ,他们认 为对人类的益处不能合理解释对动物进行的伤害。
People who feel a connection with animals are more likely to support programmes to protect natural habitats and outlaw hunting.
人们如果和动物有感情 ,就更可能 会支持那些保护天然栖息地和禁猎的计划。
The different reasons behind keeping animals in captivity may be education,research, recreation and conservation.
将动物关起来的考虑可能是出于教育 、研究 、娱乐以及对其进行保护。
Animals have natural rights and capturing them for any reason whatsoever is the breach of the same.
动物有自然(生存)的权利 ,无论以任何原因猎捕动物 都是对其权利的侵犯。
It includes biology, behavioural studies, as well as applied research such as biomedical research, xenotransplantation , drug testing and toxicology tests and cosmetics testing.
动物试验包括生物学、行为学研究的纯科学 ,也包括像生物医药研究 、异种器官移植 、药品试验、毒物学及化妆品试验等的应用科学。
Testing on animals has helped develop vaccines for many life threatening diseases.
National Academy of Sciences argue that even sophisticated computers are unable to model interactions be¬ tween molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and the environment, making animal research necessary in many areas.
国家科学院认为即使使用精密的计算机 也无法模拟出分子 、细胞 、组织 、器官 、有机体及环境 间的相互作用,动物试验在很多领域都是有必要的。
Although animal experimentation sounds appealing to some extent, I still strongly frown on this proposal.
Conservation efforts have already brought many animals back on the brink of extinction, but still, our work is far from done.
It is good that there is more awareness about wildlife conservation these days and people have now realized that it is important to maintain the planet’s biodiversity.
It is reported that there are about 5,000 endangered animals and at least one species dies out every year.
It is totally unconscionable to subject defenseless animals to mutilation and death.
Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.
本文由沈阳托福培训通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.org/TOEFL/tingli/349.html