
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


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发布时间:2017-04-08 17:39:00 关注量:5059次

哈喽“福娃”们! 眼看着2017年Q1即将结束, 我们一起来看看这段期间托福考试中出现的非典型性Task1题目. 其中都是三选一的非典型性Task1问题, 大家在遇到这些问题时, 需要仔细审题, 题干中的指向性词汇必须注意并且纳入选择之中. 欢迎大家把自己的答案发给我来由我给大家分析评论, 有任何相关问题也可以来找我哦.

Which of the following activities would you like to do most on campus?
·To listen to a lecture given by a well-known professor
·To go for an on-campus concert given by a professional musician
·To go for a theater play
Explain why. Include reasons and details to support your response.

Your teacher asks you and your classmates to make a presentation in a literature class. Which of the following activities would you like to do most?
·To act out a scene play with your partner
·To share a novel that you’ve read with your classmates
·To recite a poem

Which of the following aspects do you think is the most important to lead a country's success?
·Many business opportunities
·An excellent education system
·A well-rounded medical care system

Your university is planning to open the international student office to all students on special days so students can attend events there. Which social event would you like to attend most?
-An international food fair
-An international music festival
-An international film festival


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