
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


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发布时间:2017-03-23 17:32:00 关注量:5134次

在托福英语口语的最后一道题中,有两种结构。一种是两个分论点+例证式;另一种是理论+实验式。典型的第6题在开头会出现一个中心句(Topic sentence),该中心句可能会解释一个概念,强调一个问题或介绍一种现象,然后在中心句下会出现两个分论点(Subtopics),每个分论点下面会有一个例证来对其进行解释。


Pattern 1: 单刀直入   TPO的很多题目中,开头前三句话就能把讲座的中心句表达清楚,所以对我们来说,全神贯注地听懂前三句至关重要。
TPO 24
Authors of fiction, short stories and novels, of course have many decisions to make when they are writing their works. One of those decisions is how they are going to narrate or tell the story, what perspective or what point of view the story will be told from. So authors need to choose a type of narrator.

Step 1: 抓前3句
Step 2:总结:The topic of this lecture is how authors are going to narrate a story, and what perspective or what point of view the story will be told from.

Pattern 2: 犹抱琵琶半遮面
TPO 22
Many animals live underground in the soil, not just little animals like worms but also bigger animals like mammals. Living underground has advantages, it protects animals from aboveground predators. However, the underground environment also presents challenges, and animals that live underground have developed physical adaptations to deal with them.

Step 1: 听到 however
Step 2: 总结 however 后面的内容,注意代词them. The topic of this lecture is that animals that live underground have developed physical adaption to deal with challenges.

Pattern 3: 问题型    在这一类中心句中,以疑问词开头。考生应着重关注疑问词(what, where, when, which, who, how)的出现。
Today, we’ll talk about how companies determine the initial price for their products. By that I mean, when they first introduce a product to the market. There are different approaches, and today we’ll discuss two of them.

Step 1: 疑问词 how 出现
Step 2: 总结The topic of this lecture is how companies determine the initial price for their products.



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