
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


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发布时间:2017-01-20 17:05:00 关注量:5459次


Group Speaking Activities


Have fun trying these activities to practice your speaking skills with friends or a study group:

•Make “note cards”with description prompts. For example, describe your favorite restaurant, your best friend or an ideal house. Put the cards face down, choose one and respond in 45 seconds.

•Join a club whose members meet to converse in English about movies, music and travel. If a club doesn’t exist in your area, start one. Invite native English speakers to join you.

•With a group, list opinion topics and write these on cards. Topics might include research papers vs. oral presentations, laptops vs. desktops, school uniforms vs. wearing regular clothes to school, and so on. Each person chooses a card, prepares a one-minute presentation and then presents to the group. The speaker must support his or her opinion with reasons. The group then can debate each topic.

•Divide group members into pairs. Have each pair of partners choose a common problem college students face and brainstorm two solutions to the problem. They should prepare role-plays in which one person describes the problem and the other provides the solutions and indicates which solution he or she prefers and why.
•Practice using transition words and phrases such ashowever, first, on the other handandin contrastto help listeners follow yourspeech. With a group, write as many transitions as you can thinkof on cards. Each person must randomly choose one card andthen create two sentences connected by the transition word onthe card. You can use a timer and allow each person 30 secondsto respond.

•Set up a discussion club with a group of friends. Each week, one member chooses a talk or a speech (available online or in audio or video form) and everyone in the group listens to it. When the group gets together, the leader for that week summarizes the talk/speech and leads a discussion on the topic.

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