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雅思口语part-2 例文:国外工作

发布时间:2017-01-19 10:54:00 关注量:10567次

雅思口语part-2 例文:国外工作


Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work.
You should say:
Where you would like to go
What kind of work/job you would like to have
When you would like to go
And explain why you want to work in that place

In regards to (至于…,在…情况下) this topic, I’d like to talk about doing animation design (动漫设计) in Japan. (小编本人也很喜欢日本的动漫啦。) Ever since I was little, I have had a huge passion for watching Japanese animated movies, and I think that was main the reason that prompted this thought. (这样就可以很好地把自己的个人爱好与工作联系起来,至于能不实现就是后话啦。)

To be honest with you, because of my enthusiasm for the animations produced by Japanese companies, I’ve had high expectations for the Chinese ones as well while I was growing up. However, there has always been something missing (总有缺失) in this industry in our country. And it even drives me closer towards the goal of doing my
little part (尽自己微薄之力) and digging a little deeper into this field in Japan, where all those awesome animations are being made. (表明自己的志向,同时也对背景进行充分地说明。)

In addition, I have some basic knowledge of designing cartoon characters and my passion has been a push for me to pursue this dream and get inspiration from the top –tier(一流的) companies in Japan. (说完内因,可以再讲一讲外部因素,既这个国家在这一领域的优势。)

Of course, before I do that, I still need to cultivate(培养) my personal features in my designs, which means I need more theoretical and practical knowledge(理论和实践知识)prepared beforehand(提前). (想达成目标就一定要付出努力啦,所以在这里表一表决心也是可以滴。)

Hopefully, I will be able to publish my own designed images in the future, influenced by the already well-developed system in the corresponding field(相关领域)in Japan. (最后再对未来做个小憧憬。)

通途国际英语,沈阳雅思培训专业学校,Jim老师为大家带来的这篇雅思口语part-2 例文:国外工作,希望通过这篇文章的分析,同学们对工作类口话题所用到的词汇与思路能有所借鉴。

本文由沈阳雅思培训通途国际英语原创,转载请保留链接: http://www.tingtoo.org/IELTS/kouyu/178.html