
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


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2017-10-15 雅思听力回顾

发布时间:2017-12-02 10:37:00 关注量:13805次

Section 1:
关键词:marine aquiram group booking
1.Name of the organization : Sandys
2.Address: No.6 Beach Road South Park
3.Contact number: 077658143
4.Number of people in the party 14
5.One of the members uses wheelchair
6.Date: Oct 31st
7.Payment type: check
8.Which three attractions are contained in the exhibition?
Ocean trenches; rock pool, rare fishes
Section 2:
11.The field B look for lost children ( where missed children can be found)
12. stage2----D have dance classes( a brazilian dancer delivers classes from 7 to 9 pm)
13. riverside G see latest film (when new cinema releases hit the screen)
14. Green lounge F listen to music band (enjoy the  performance of the musicians from the area)
15. Gateway E see a child entertainer (they can see a puppet dance)
16.    -20 地图题
Section 3:
关键词:reflective article
identify problem / confidence / independent learning / learning style
lead the group discussion / listening to others / learning style / looking forward to it / self-awareness
21. What should be mentioned about Mike’s first reflective learning module?A the aim of him to have this module
22. What can be shown that Mike is an effective communicator?B listen to others
23. What can be done by Mike to improve his skills as an effective communicator?B to lead a group discussion
24. What should be done to prove mike is a critical thinker? A solving problems
25.What Mike feel after talking with Laura? A he is looking forward to it
26.What should be mentioned in the learning profolio? A self-awareness
27.    -30 配对题
Essay-B made her identity a problem
Test with results-C made her gain confidence
Class notes-D made her develop independent learning skill
Presentation notes-F made her find her study styles.
Section 4:
关键词:invasive species
31.Invasive species can take over a Garden
32.the phenomenon is mainly caused by Human
33.Originally from Europe
34.Has a major impact on economy industry
35.Measures to control it is with species of _insects
36.Got into Japan from Russian species in 1875
39.Migrationpatterns of birds
40.Is used to treatDigestive problems

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