
通途国际英语 沈阳雅思,托福,英语培训


  • 雅思口语话题(事物类新话题)

    雅思口语话题(事物类新话题) 1. 喜爱的建筑 Describe a building you like. You should say: where it is  what it is used for what it looks like and explain why you like it. Part 3 1) How do Chinese people feel about old b...

    发布时间:2018-07-11 关注量:15326次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(事件类话题)

    雅思口语话题(事件类话题) 1.参加过的派对 Describe a party that you attended. You should say: when it took place where it was whose party it was and how you felt about the party. Part 3 1) Do Chinese people like to hold par...

    发布时间:2018-07-11 关注量:14553次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(地点类话题)

    雅思口语话题(地点类话题) 1.喜欢和朋友去的地方 Describe s place in your city or town that you like to visit with your friends.  You should say: where this place is when the last time was you went there who you like to go w...

    发布时间:2018-07-11 关注量:12283次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(人物类话题)

    雅思口语话题(人物类话题) 1.喜剧演员 Describe a famous comic actor/actress in your country. You should say: who he/she is how you knew this person what comedies he/she performed and explain why he/she is popular.  P...

    发布时间:2018-07-10 关注量:13222次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(上一季话题)

    雅思口语话题(上一季话题) 1. Dream Job 1)   Have you had full-time or part-time jobs before? 2)  What was your dream job when you were young? 3)   Have you changed mind on your dream job? 4)   What d...

    发布时间:2018-07-10 关注量:12827次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(本季新话题)

    雅思口语话题(本季新题类) 1. Celebrity 1)   Who is your favourite celebrity in China? 2)   What kinds of people become famous? 3)   In general, how do people become famous? 4)   Do you think a person needs...

    发布时间:2018-07-10 关注量:12070次 了解更多
  • 雅思口语话题(IELTS基础话题)

    雅思口语话题(IELTS基础类) 1. Work 1) What work do you do? 2) Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?  3) Do you like your job? 4) Is it very interesting? 5) (Possibly) Do you miss being a student? 2. Y...

    发布时间:2018-07-10 关注量:10663次 了解更多
  • 2018年7月7日雅思真题回忆

    2018年7月7日雅思考试真题回忆。 可能半年才有一次的简单! 听力部分 Section 1 咨询——社区课程,10笔记 Section 2 介绍——英国驾照介绍,5单选+5配对 Section 3 学术讨论——主动学习,6单选+4多选 Section 4 学术讲座——沙漠蚂蚁,10笔记 阅读部分 ...

    发布时间:2018-07-10 关注量:9801次 了解更多